Balboa Park BART Station: Tree Removal To Reduce Service

The regional transportation agency will single-track for three Sundays while crews remove trees.

Workers remove a fallen tree beside BART trackway. | Courtesy BART

BART issued a single-tracking alert for the stretch of trackway between Balboa Park and Daly City stations for Aug. 27, Sept. 10 and Sept. 24.

On those dates Bart will prune or remove trees that could pose a hazard to service.

Riders passing through on those three days should anticipate delays of 10-15 minutes and the cancellation of all Green Line trains. The service change is designed to ensure safe conditions for workers.

BART will also perform tree removal work in southern Alameda County on those three dates.

More information about BART’s systemwide safety initiative to remove potentially hazardous trees at the project can be found on its website.

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