Muni Seeks Input for K Ingleside Improvement Project

San Francisco's transportation agency is giving presentations and collecting feedback on its $34 million project proposal.

K-Ingleside trains pass each other at the Jules-Dorado stop on Ocean Avenue. File photo/Ingleside Light

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is sharing its $34 million plan for improving the K Ingleside with the public to collect feedback.

The K Ingleside Rapid Project proposes extending boarding islands on Ocean Avenue at four stops — San Leandro, Aptos, Victoria-Fairfield and Miramar — to increase the number of riders as only one car of the two-car trains operates due to safety concerns.

READ MORE: K Ingleside Light Rail Improvement Project Takes Shape

Other possible improvements include removing the Cerritos and Westgate stops to reduce travel time and install transit signal priority and transit-only lanes.

Between July 24 to Aug. 7, the public can learn more about the project through several ways.

A self-guided open house to review the proposal and share feedback at the Ingleside Branch Library at 1298 Ocean Ave. All materials and surveys are available in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Join the transportation agency at pop-ups on Ocean Avenue on Thursday, July 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Ocean and Capitol avenues or Wednesday, Aug. 2, from 8 to 10 a.m. at Ocean and Aston avenues. Both pop-ups will have Cantonese interpretation and materials available.

There is also a survey available on the transportation agency's website.

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