SFPD Arrests Man For Anti-Asian Violence In The Ingleside Neighborhood

Taraval Station police officers arrested a man in connection to an anti-Asian violent attack in the Ingleside neighborhood over the weekend.

Photograph courtesy of the San Francisco Police Department
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San Francisco police arrested a man for a March 13 anti-Asian attack in the Ingleside neighborhood.

Fifty-three-year-old Victor Brown was booked for assault and battery with a hate crime enhancement, resisting arrest and for being in possession of narcotics paraphernalia, according to the San Francisco Police Department.

Brown, who was also booked for three arrest warrants, is reported to have assaulted a person after making a series of anti-Asian statements.

The incident is one of many causing a spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans that led Mayor London Breed to direct the police to step up patrols on Wednesday, March 17. Breed also announced that more long term efforts to tamp down the spike in crime will be announced soon.

Taraval Station police officers responded to a report of battery at the intersection of Ocean and Plymouth avenues, according to the Taraval Station crime blotter. The victim, who was not described or identified, told police that Brown had called him names from across the street and demanded he leave the country. The victim then tried to reason with Brown. Instead an argument started about racism and attacks on Asian Americans. Brown punched and kneed the victim, and then left the area. Officers located and arrested Brown.

“This is an open investigation and the SFPD is working with the District Attorney’s Office in moving forward with this case,” Officer Robert Rueca told the Ingleside Light.

District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s office did not respond to a query by press time.

Compared to the same date in 2020, reports of assault are down 17% in the Taraval Station police district as of March 14, Capt. Nicholas Rainsford stated in his weekly email newsletter.

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