‘Secrecy’ Theme Of December’s Lit Night Open Mic

Literary types will gather at Ocean Ale House for the monthly open mic Lit Night on Monday. The theme is "secrecy."

Lit Night host Neil Ballard stands at the mic.
Lit Night host Neil Ballard stands at the mic. Alex Mullaney/The Ingleside Light
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Literary types will share secrets in fiction, nonfiction or poetry on Monday at the last Lit Night open mic of the year.

“Secrecy” is the theme of the resilient monthly gathering at Ocean Ale House.

“Secrecy can be the key to friendships and families staying together and others being torn apart,” the prompt reads. “They can also be the key to intrigue and suspense. A secret can both protect and assault. We tell secrets because we feel we have to. We tell secrets because they are fun. We tell secrets to ease our way.”

Lit Night is organized by the City College of San Francisco English Department. Along with Ocean Ale House, the Ingleside Light is also a sponsor of the event.

Last year during the shelter-in-place public health order, the group created a “Quaranzine,” a compendium of works instead of the Anthology.

Lit Night’s organizers are now taking submissions for the second Lit Night Anthology. Lit Night participants can submit two to three poems, fiction and creative nonfiction of no more than 5,000 words and 10-page graphic novel excerpts. The deadline is Jan. 31, 2022.

Neighborhood artist Neil Ballard, Lit Night’s host, told the Ingleside Light that he plans to make a submission.

“I’m excited to see the range of writing that will be featured in the upcoming Lit Night Anthology,” Ballard said “The last anthology that we produced was a terrific group effort that resulted in a handsome volume of stories, poems and essays.”

Lit Night

Date: Monday, Dec. 20, 2021
Time: 7:30 – 9 p.m.
Location: Ocean Ale House, 1314 Ocean Ave.
Website: www.litnight.org

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